Eating your way to better sex
Food and sex
It’s not just about whipped cream and strawberries… although the strawberries are good. In putting together a list of foods most likely to give your sex life a boost, some of them seem pretty obvious in the sense that they are the things you should be eating for your overall health to begin with. The fact that they can fire things up in the bedroom is an added bonus. Generally, you want foods that promote good cardiovascular health and a healthy weight level, and foods that support muscle and your immune system, and are anti-inflammatory.
There are numerous lists of foods that support good sexual health. Regardless of the source, some foods are common to most of them. Any slight variations still fall into what are general categories of certain types of foods. With that said, the top categories and/or foods for better sex are:
- Spinach: This green leaf is a good source of magnesium which helps relax and dilate blood vessels, which can increase arousal for both men and women. Spinach is also a good source of folate which, in addition to also helping relax blood vessels, lowers levels of homocysteine, for better cardiovascular health.
- Broccoli: High in Indole-3-carbinol, broccoli can help reduce levels of unhealthy estrogens, and can be a libido booster.
- Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage are a few of the other vegetables that also are good sources of folate as well as being anti-inflammatory.

- Almonds, Cashews: Rich in magnesium and zinc, both of which help regulate testosterone production. Research has found that magnesium can also help modulate the aging process and its effects on sexual performance.
- Pumpkin seeds: Provide not only magnesium and zinc, but also potassium, which enhances blood flow.
- Walnuts and almonds: Supply arginine, an amino acid that produces nitric oxide needed for blood vessel dilation. Walnuts are also a rich source of omega-3s, supplying the type of cholesterol needed for optimal functioning of your sex hormones.

Fatty Fish

Dark Chocolate

Nutrition for sex
The above foods are ones most commonly listed as having a positive effect on sexual health. They are also foods that are good for your overall health, which is why the list is not all-inclusive, and not restricted to only these foods. In general, anything that is good for your circulation, blood pressure, cardiovascular system and weight, is probably going to be good for your sex life too. That said, there are some nutritional elements that the foods in the above list have in common.
Optimizing sexual health and performance requires getting an adequate supply of protein, along with zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B3 and B12. In addition, amino acids arginine and L-citrulline are important for circulation and blood vessel dilation, and natural supplements like maca root and ginseng have been shown to have benefits in increasing desire and stamina.
Additional help
Given that a “sex-friendly” diet can also be very good for your overall health, you should certainly give yourself every advantage to improve both your sex life and your health. However, sometimes there may be things that a diet alone cannot overcome, as in the case of erectile dysfunction (ED). The cause of ED can be due to one or multiple factors. Health issues like high cholesterol or blood pressure, or weight issues, or psychological issues can all play a possible role in the condition.
As a leader in sexual health solutions, Riize Health provides state-of-the-art, effective treatment for ED through our physician prescribed Riize Strips. They are fast-acting oral dissolving strips that go to work immediately when placed on the tongue – no pills to deal with. Using a proprietary compound formula of sildenafil (same as Viagara®), tadalafil (same as Cialis®) and oxytocin, Riize Strips have proven to be highly effective in treating ED. Strict production protocols insure ingredient quality and exact dosage amounts.
Every advantage